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Beschreibunga Yorick-based adaptive optics system simulator
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Ubuntu Archiv lucid (universe)
Installierte Größe1952 Byte
Hängt ab vonyorick (>= 2.1.05), libc6 (>= 2.3.4), libfftw3-3, yorick-imutil (>= 0.5.3), yorick-yutils (>= 1.3.0)
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerUbuntu Developers
Paketgröße974202 Byte
Prüfsumme MD542589f127f7ad9b4a1232fa719ae9e64
Prüfsumme SHA1d04a50915508263b7f092cfb83acc1484fe77c2f
Prüfsumme SHA256c5057153dd5b4736dd76921f0699379faf04e0607222191f442830436bce5b3e
Link zum Herunterladenyorick-yao_4.5.0-1_i386.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungYao is a monte-carlo simulation package for adaptive optics. It can be used stand-alone through a GTK-based integrated graphical user interface or as a Yorick language extension. Yao features: * Shack-Hartmann and Curvature WFS, on or off axis; * support for Stackarray (piezostack), curvature (bimorph), modal (zernike) and Tip-Tilt deformable mirrors. The altitude of conjugation is adjustable; * arbitrary number of WFSs and DMs, with the possibility of mixing types. It is therefore possible (and easy) to simulate single DM systems, as well as single non-zero conjugate, GLAO and MCAO systems; * support for Natural and Laser Guide Stars (or a mix), WFS with photon and read-out noise; * multi-layered atmospheric model with geometrical propagation only; * speed-optimized loop: critical routines have been coded in C.

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