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BeschreibungDEC OS8 images for a PDP-8 emulator
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe4440 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Paketepalbart, simh
PaketbetreuerVince Mulhollon
Paketgröße776954 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5cec9fdb655a3deb6b6da074b00c2b768
Prüfsumme SHA10f1c1052c16332515022bb380e2e7b617a2425a6
Prüfsumme SHA2561684fed93ea1e05b06f89fe55b428a1686b320d09d5b464872d3ac8b02d5d303
Link zum Herunterladenos8_2.1-4_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package contains images of the OS8 operating system which are usable by a PDP-8 emulator. . The debian simh package supplies a pdp8 emulator, but the file are in a standard format usable by any other pdp8 emulator such as Jones's or Haygood's emulator. . The os8 script will run the simh emulator with these images. . These images are not DFSG free because DEC prohibits commercial use of these images.

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