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BeschreibungBinary firmware for QLogic IBA7220, QLA1xxx, ISP2xxx and SP2x2
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe1008 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Kernel Team
Paketgröße478982 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5063b7db4de04a97bf4294c1d12697456
Prüfsumme SHA1f34670cccb370d397231ecb6550efdb0ecd36834
Prüfsumme SHA25646ca1fba8fc90be6d422c53396a133d87ee401ed156f859e069be71534cb6f02
Link zum Herunterladenfirmware-qlogic_0.28+squeeze1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package contains the binary firmware for QLogic IBA7220 (Infiniband), QLA1xxx (SCSI), ISP2xxx- and SP2x2-based (Fibre Channel/FCoE) host adapters supported by the ip_iband, qla1280 and qla2xxx drivers. . Contents: * QLogic QLA1040 firmware, version 7.65.06 (qlogic/1040.bin) * QLogic QLA1080, 1240, 1280 firmware, version 8.15.11 (qlogic/1280.bin) * QLogic QLA10160, 12160 firmware, version 10.04.42 (qlogic/12160.bin) * QLogic IBA7220 serdes firmware (qlogic/sd7220.fw) * QLogic QLA2100 firmware, version 1.19.38 (ql2100_fw.bin) * QLogic QLA2200 firmware, version 2.02.08 (ql2200_fw.bin) * QLogic QLA2300, ISP2312, SP202 firmware, version 3.03.27 (ql2300_fw.bin) * QLogic ISP2322, SP212 firmware, version 3.03.27 (ql2322_fw.bin) * QLogic ISP2422, ISP2432[M], SP222, SP232 firmware, version 4.04.05 (ql2400_fw.bin) * QLogic ISP2532 firmware, version 4.04.05 (ql2500_fw.bin)

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