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BeschreibungBinary firmware for Intel Pro Wireless 2100, 2200 and 2915
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe1240 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Pakete
PaketbetreuerDebian Kernel Team
Paketgröße522562 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5fff8380c9965ce3048df08fbd1ffd2bc
Prüfsumme SHA189587b3cc52a4f959e26950d8428e6606323ebeb
Prüfsumme SHA256d52d97c56851de8a0d3d406e2d8337e19b9363eaac6151f34e2e827e98645d49
Link zum Herunterladenfirmware-ipw2x00_0.28+squeeze1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThis package contains the binary firmware for Intel Pro Wireless 2100, 2200 and 2915 cards supported by the ipw2100 and ipw2200 drivers. . Contents: * Intel Pro Wireless 2100 firmware (bootstrap), version 1.3 (ipw2100-1.3.fw) * Intel Pro Wireless 2100 firmware (ibss mode), version 1.3 (ipw2100-1.3-i.fw) * Intel Pro Wireless 2100 firmware (monitor mode), version 1.3 (ipw2100-1.3-p.fw) * Intel Pro Wireless 2200/2915 firmware (bss), version 3.1 (ipw2200-bss.fw) * Intel Pro Wireless 2200/2915 firmware (ibss), version 3.1 (ipw2200-ibss.fw) * Intel Pro Wireless 2200/2915 firmware (snf), version 3.1 (ipw2200-sniffer.fw) . This firmware is covered by the Intel Pro Wireless 2100 and 2200/2915 License. You must agree to the terms of this license before it is installed.

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