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BeschreibungThe Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (non-free)
Installierte Größe5232 Byte
Hängt ab von
Empfohlene Paketelynx | www-browser
PaketbetreuerSandro Tosi
Paketgröße1405024 Byte
Prüfsumme MD52b645f806b8aaa79d2ddbb8bcf201618
Prüfsumme SHA111056a3f905d9a8290371075b8022e16eca099dc
Prüfsumme SHA256853afe975645bb8c2623171fbba1e5396bfd975e5e4993b2af300c2318caf8d2
Link zum Herunterladenabs-guide_6.2-1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungAn in-depth exploration of the art of shell scripting. . This tutorial assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction ... all the while sneaking in little snippets of UNIX(R) wisdom and lore. It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and a reference and source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques. The exercises and heavily-commented examples invite active reader participation, under the premise that the only way to really learn scripting is to write scripts. . This book is suitable for classroom use as a general introduction to programming concepts.

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