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BeschreibungToolkit assisting in the localization of software
Archiv/RepositoryOffizielles Debian Archiv squeeze (main)
Installierte Größe4972 Byte
Hängt ab vonpython (>= 2.5), python-central (>= 0.6.11), gettext
Empfohlene Paketepython-lxml, python-enchant, python-simplejson, python-utidylib, python-vobject, iso-codes, python-l
PaketbetreuerNicolas FRANCOIS (Nekral)
Paketgröße950812 Byte
Prüfsumme MD5eff569691063b75620bbe5909413bfc9
Prüfsumme SHA19e984297a25dd8d02fdbe8a5a76c90b9006c4145
Prüfsumme SHA256a4d996b08c9d478afac45044bf1f07b965a83cb47977d7cf780456f40ba4dc5c
Link zum Herunterladentranslate-toolkit_1.7.0-0.1_all.deb
Ausführliche BeschreibungThe Translate Toolkit is a Python library and a set of software designed to help make the lives of localizers both more productive and less frustrating. . The software includes programs to convert localization formats to the common PO format and programs to check and manage PO files and utilities to create word counts, merge translations and perform various checks on PO files. . Supported localization storage formats are: DTD, properties, GSI/SDF, CSV, MO, Qt .ts and of course PO and XLIFF. . The documentation of the Translate Toolkit API is packaged in translate-toolkit-dev-doc.

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